Sunday, July 28, 2013

New Media and the Cold War

As the United States battled with the Soviet Union during the Cold War period, both countries created the context for the development of the computer and internet technology. Even though the government did not interfere with free market and free trade, it created low taxes for corporations. However the rise of the surplus created to give away different class differences, some people worked and some people did not. Some forms of capitalism emerged on the margins of feudalism
such as finance capital and merchant capital, which along the printing press and the nation-state. Emergence of industrial capitalism during the 19th century in Europe and in the United States helped evolved telecommunication networks. But as the 19th century continued the development of new technologies helped maximize profits, minimize the risks, and minimized the cost of production.

While decades past the United States and the Soviet Union were still battling one another in the Cold War, but by the end of President Ronald Regan's term the Cold War came to an end. Ronald Regan was elected in 1980, he had more than 7% of the popular vote and won the electoral vote 489 to 49. Nonetheless, while serving in office Regan he passed on economic policy which instiuted the idea about cutting taxes and and social services. In addition Regan created a social policy where he allied himself with Christian Fundamentalists who were against abortion, drugs, and homosexuality. However Regan dealt with Cold War anxieties, but intervened millitary in Central America and the Middle East.

The new economy started during the 1990s and was intended to increase productivity and lower employment. The new economy wanted to replace old technologies with new technologies. However there were myths about the new economy during the 1990s. There were two ideas generally associated with  the new economy. The first idea states that the new economy is contended to consume a new technological revolution. However the second idea suggests that it is often suggested that the new economy has attenuated if not eliminate the business cycle. The relationship between the internet and productivity is that the internet is a distraction and is a cheap system that experise systems are servicing. When developing the internet institutions that played a key role were millitary, government, research centers, universities, and private corporations. However three key areas that were developed in order to start the internet were microeconomics, computers, and telecomminications. With the help of Tim Berners Lee the world wide web (www) was invented, but Berners-Lee never made a dime of the world wide web because he never pattoned it.

Floyd Norris a reporter for the New York Times, wrote an artice called, "How Telecom became a Blackhole," disscusses how telcom technologies in different countries are under pressure to cancel a similar offering of its wireless unit. How to become a blackhole However Charles Clough of Clough Capital, a money management firm, stated that weaker firms are failing "Piece by piece, they are starting to default up the chain," While large companies sold equipment and have some customers who can't pay, while others are trying to raise cash by selling used equipment that they can't afford to keep. In the end, Norris is optimisitic that there will be hope and the economic shakedown will be shoet.  

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